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Remnant 2nd Wave


10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. JOHN 10:10

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. MATTHEW 6:33

The Kingdom was never about getting but about giving. Seeking the “Kingdom First” is about discovering (self) what GOD put on the inside of you and then giving it to the world. We are required to live and give the best life. So who among you, still needs life? The seven systems are the vehicles in which everyone is given the opportunity to live their best life.

1. Business – The Supply and Demand of the Kingdom

2. Arts & Entertainment – The Creativity of the Kingdom

3. Media – The Outlets of the Kingdom Message

4. Family – The Foundation of the Kingdom

5. Education – The Knowledge and Wisdom of the Kingdom

6. Government -The Rule and Standard of the Kingdom

7. Faith – The Beliefs of the Kingdom – Each system leader will establish Cause, Connection, and Community. Each system will have a Cause that will create Connection, which will then build Communities internally and externally.

1. Millennial Think Tank (Meet once a month to discuss internal and external Kingdom plans)

2. System Reports (Discuss what each leader is doing to expand the system internally and externally.)

– Highlight a person in each system monthly.

– Community Initiative per system (work collaboratively with the community outreach team)

– Bridging generational divides (allow mentor opportunities from those that operate sufficiently in the system. This will be established for previous and future generations)

3. Millennial Worship

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