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Arts & Entertainment System

To produce quality forms of expression/entertainment by identifying & cultivating talents.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. ~Colossians 1:16 NIV

The Arts and Entertainment System is also referred to as the Celebration System. This system includes art, music, sports, fashion, drama and every other way we celebrate or enjoy life. Every celebration in any form of the arts needs to be produced God’s way – we accomplish this by being in His presence and letting His creativity flow through us. It kinda goes without saying that God created ALL forms of art – whether you approve of them or not – and God chooses each form of art to point to His Grand Mystery. Each chord, each melody, each poem, each scene, even each cake should lend a clue to who He was and who He is!!!

Art is a tongue. That means the purpose of Art is to communicate and intercede in places where natural words alone fail. Arts & Entertainment is more than music in the air, more than color on a canvas. The spectrum of arts includes chefs, designers, athletes, actors and more!

If you are an artist, your art is VALID and QUALIFIED and NECESSARY. Your work has the potential to shape culture, communicate truth, mold generations, and validate emotion – so JOIN US! Hold hands with other artists and watch the world change by simply doing what you love to do – it’s that easy!


Unity Choir, Shekinah Glory Ministry, Exalters (Singers), Karar (Dancers), Encouragers, Standard Bearers, Minstrels, Sounds of Serenity (Youth Praise Team and Praise Dancers), Vessels of Worship (Children’s Praise Team), Vessels of Praise (Children’s Praise Dancers), Acts Ministry (Drama Ministry)


Pastor Sabrina Williams
708-331-3511 ext: 113

Praise Report

Prayer Request