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Family System

The most vital element to the family structure has been challenged: It is the presence of the father.

The absence of the father in the family structure has resulted in allowing the spirit of rejection, abandonment and low self-esteem to destroy our homes, communities and cities. Although there are no perfect families, God knew that the family structure would be challenged because of the sin of man. But despite what man has done, God always wanted the family structure to be in the forefront.

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:21-25)

Love, acceptance, affirmation and trust will cause the internal family structure to become refreshed, refocused and restored, thus allowing healthy people to be released out of the family structure into the other 6 systems of influence.


Model of Christ Teem Ministry, Young Kingdom Builders Children’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Women Ministry, Marriage Ministry, Saints For All Seasons (Seniors), MAT Team, Feeding & Clothing Assistance Program, First Choice, 


Pastor Jeffrey Newton

Pastor Linda Smith

Praise Report

Prayer Request