2020 Vision: Seeing From God's Eyes
Finance, Family, Faith,Future!
Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established;
believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.”
(2 Chronicles 20:20)
Welcome eFam, to the first edition of Valley Kingdom Ministries International’s eBlog. It is our desire to engage in many thought-provoking, spirit-led discussions, coupled with pragmatic solutions designed to catapult you into 2020—a decade of destiny–with a purpose and a plan for your finances, family, faith, and future!
Seeing from God’s Eyes!
Leading up to the New Year, everybody was talking about 20/20 vision. The body of Christ was on fire with all kinds of calls to action. Among the many church themes featured leading up to the New Year were: 2020 the Year of Perfect Vision; 2020 the Year of Double Portion; 2020 Evolution: Are you a Game Changer? And, the VKMI theme, 2020 Vision: A God’s Eye View: Finance, Family, Faith and Future. But, no matter what the theme, we cannot overlook the fact that 2020 is not an ordinary year. Twenty-twenty is the first year of a new decade—a Decade of Destiny! And the good news is, God is still in the business of greater! So, as we launch into a New Year and a new decade, have you considered approaching God’s greater for your finances, family, faith, and future through His eyes?
God Has Big Plans for You!
In Jeremiah 29:11 the Prophet Jeremiah tells the captives, “For I [God] know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Have you considered God’s big plan for your finances, family, faith, and future? Have you asked yourself, “What will my life look like ten years from now in the year 2030? In other words, before we begin to focus on the year of 2020 vision alone, it’s equally important to focus on God’s big plan or the larger vision for the decade of destiny. If you’re in your twenties, what is your thirty-year old vision for yourself? If you’re in your forties, what do you plan to be doing at fifty? If you’re in your fifties, what does sixty look like for you? Where (and what) do you see yourself doing or being over the next ten years to accomplish your 2030 vision? It’s a lot to think about, right? Well, the reality is, God has big plans for you! And, the best way to have a decade of destiny is to think big and set your sites on 2030. Think about what God expects; begin to see things from His perspective; and then begin to work backward one step at a time, one goal at a time, one mission at a time, to accomplish God’s greater vision in your life!
Perfect Vision for What?
Now that we are all fired up for the New Year, what exactly does having a God’s eye view mean? What exactly does it mean to have 20/20 vision? Upon conducting a Google search on 20/20 vison, the outcome resulted in a bunch of hits related to eyesight that were very interesting.
Basically, 20/20 vision is a measure of visual acuity (pronounced uh·kyoo·uh·tee), or the sharpness of your vision based on a wide range of visual abilities and skills under certain conditions. This is fascinating because most people think of having 20/20 vision as having “perfect” eyesight or “perfect” vision, when in actuality that’s not true. God is the only one who truly has “perfect vision” as only He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). In reality, man’s vision is only as “perfect” as the conditions dictate. The notion that 20/20 vision is achieved as a result of a certain set of predetermined criteria being present, opened up a plethora of topics (metaphorically speaking) for exploring 20/20 vision as a catalyst for aligning our vision with God’s vision in the decade to come.
In the days, weeks, and months to come, we look forward to exploring finance, family, faith and future together for the decade of destiny to come. The good news is God already knows the plan; it’s up to us to reveal it and walk in it.
Let’s Get Started!
Over the next few months we will be exploring God’s eye view as it relates to finances, family, faith and the future.
Habakkuk 2:2 says, Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
Take some time over the next week or so to think about your BIG 2030 vision. Where (and what) do you see yourself doing or being by the year 2030 as it relates to your finances, family, faith and future. Post a short two or three sentence response in the comment section below.
Until next time!
Cheryl Wilson
VKMI eBlogger
5 Responses
Successful running in my purpose in God, and 100% debt free, helping others achieve thier same goals, and married with Children.
That’s awesome news Latiffany! Keep up the great work!
Great eBlog! Nothing like walking in your PURPOSE!!! Can’t wait to see whats posted in the future
Hi Sabrina, I look forward to future conversations on purpose from a God’s Eye View!
Thank you, Tim Lee. I look forward to future conversations.